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What is the best way to mark up an exclusive button group?

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A few days ago I asked Twitter a seemingly simple question (I meant aria-pressed, not aria-selected but Twitter doesn’t allow edits…):

For background, I was implementing a web component for an app I’m working on at work and I was getting into some pretty weird rabbit holes with my approach of generating radios and labels.

Unsurprisingly, most people thought the best solution is radio buttons and labels. After all, it works without CSS, right? Progressive enhancement and everything?

That’s what I thought too. I had contorted my component to generate labels and radios in the Shadow DOM from buttons in the light DOM, which resulted in awkward code and awkward CSS, but I felt I was fighting the good fight and doing the best thing for accessibility.

All this was challenged when the actual accessibility expert, Léonie Watson chimed in. For those of you who don’t know her, she is pretty much the expert when it comes to web accessibility and standards. She is also visually impaired herself, giving her a firsthand experience many other a11y aficionados lack. Her recommendation was contrary to what most others were saying:

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Introducing Rety: live coding, without the stress

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I recently spoke at CSS Day in Amsterdam. It was only my second f2f talk after the pandemic. It went down really well, both in person, and recently that the video was released:

Here is a sample of tweets about it that made me particularly warm and fuzzy inside:

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Releasing Color.js: A library that takes color seriously

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Related: Chris’ blog post for the release of Color.js

This post has been long overdue: Chris and I started working on Color.js in 2020, over 2 years ago! It was shortly after I had finished the Color lecture for the class I was teaching at MIT and I was appalled by the lack of color libraries that did the things I needed for the demos in my slides. I asked Chris, “Hey, what if we make a Color library? You will bring your Color Science knowledge and I will bring my JS and API design knowledge. Wouldn’t this be the coolest color library ever?”. There was also a fair bit of discussion in the CSS WG about a native Color object for the Web Platform, and we needed to play around with JS for a while before we could work on an API that would be baked into browsers.

We had a prototype ready in a few months and presented it to the CSS WG. People loved it and some started using it despite it not being “officially” released. There was even a library that used Color.js as a dependency!

Once we got some experience from this usage, we worked on a draft specification for a Color API for the Web. In July 2021 we presented it again in a CSS WG Color breakout and everyone agreed to incubate it in WICG, where it lives now.

Why can’t we just standardize the API in Color.js? While one is influenced by the other, a Web Platform API has different constraints and needs to follow more restricted design principles compared to a JS library, which can be more flexible. E.g. exotic properties (things like color.lch.l) are very common in JS libraries, but are now considered an antipattern in Web Platform APIs.

Work on Color.js as well as the Color API continued, on and off as time permitted, but no release. There were always things to do and bugs to fix before more eyes would look at it. Because eyes were looking at it anyway, we even slapped a big fat warning on the homepage:

Eventually a few days ago, I discovered that the Color.js package we had published on npm somehow has over 6000 downloads per week, nearly all of them direct. I would not bat an eyelid at those numbers if we had released Color.js into the wild, but for a library we actively avoided mentioning to anyone outside of standards groups, it was rather odd.

How did this happen? Maybe it was the HTTP 203 episode that mentioned it in passing? Regardless, it gave us hope that it’s filling a very real need in the pretty crowded space of color manipulation libraries and it gave us a push to finally get it out there.

So here we are, releasing Color.js into the wild. So what’s cool about it?

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On Yak Shaving and <md-block>, a new HTML element for Markdown

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This week has been Yak Shaving Galore. It went a bit like this:

  1. I’ve been working on a web component that I need for the project I’m working on. More on that later, but let’s call it <x-foo> for now.
  2. Of course that needs to be developed as a separate reusable library and released as a separate open source project. No, this is not the titular component, this was only level 1 of my multi-level yak shaving… 🤦🏽‍♀️
  3. I wanted to showcase various usage examples of that component in its page, so I made another component for these demos: <x-foo-live>. This demo component would have markup with editable parts on one side and the live rendering on the other side.
  4. I wanted the editable parts to autosize as you type. Hey, I’ve written a library for that in the past, it’s called Stretchy!
  5. But Stretchy was not written in ESM, nor did it support Shadow DOM. I must rewrite Stretchy in ESM and support Shadow DOM first! Surely it won’t take more than a half hour, it’s a tiny library.
  6. (It took more than a half hour)
  7. Ok, now I have a nice lil’ module, but I also need to export IIFE as well, so that it’s compatible with Stretchy v1. Let’s switch to Rollup and npm scripts and ditch Gulp.
  8. Oh look, Stretchy’s CSS is still written in Sass, even though it doesn’t really need it now. Let’s rewrite it to use CSS variables, use PostCSS for nesting, and use conic-gradient() instead of inline SVG data URIs.
  9. Ok, Stretchy v2 is ready, now I need to update its docs. Oooh, it doesn’t have a README? I should add one. But I don’t want to duplicate content between the page and the README. Hmmm, if only…
  10. I know! I’ll make a web component for rendering both inline and remote Markdown! I have an unfinished one lying around somewhere, surely it won’t take more than a couple hours to finish it?
  11. (It took almost a day, two with docs, demos etc)
  12. Done! Here it is!
  13. Great! Now I can update Stretchy’s docs and release its v2
  14. Great! Now I can use Stretchy in my <x-foo-live> component demoing my <x-foo> component and be back to only one level of yak shaving!
  15. Wow, it’s already Friday afternoon?! 🤦🏽‍♀️😂

Hopefully you find useful! Enjoy!

Custom properties with defaults: 3+1 strategies

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When developing customizable components, one often wants to expose various parameters of the styling as custom properties, and form a sort of CSS API. This is still underutlized, but there are libraries, e.g. Shoelace, that already list custom properties alongside other parts of each component’s API (even CSS parts!).

Note: I’m using “component” here broadly, as any reusable chunk of HTML/CSS/JS, not necessarily a web component or framework component. What we are going to discuss applies to reusable chunks of HTML just as much as it does to “proper” web components.

Let’s suppose we are designing a certain button styling, that looks like this:

We want to support a --color custom property for creating color variations by setting multiple things internally:

.fancy-button {
	border: .1em solid var(--color);
	background: transparent;
	color: var(--color);

.fancy-button:hover {
	background: var(--color);
	color: white;

Note that with the code above, if no --color is set, the three declarations using it will be IACVT and thus we’ll get a nearly unstyled text-only button with no background on hover (transparent), no border on hover, and the default black text color (canvastext to be precise).

That’s no good! IT’s important that we set defaults. However, using the fallback parameter for this gets tedious, and WET:

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Inherit ancestor font-size, for fun and profit

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If you’ve been writing CSS for any length of time, you’re probably familiar with the em unit, and possibly the other type-relative units. We are going to refer to em for the rest of this post, but anything described works for all type-relative units.

As you well know, em resolves to the current font size on all properties except font-size, where it resolves to the parent font size. It can be quite useful for making scalable components that adapt to their context size.

However, I have often come across cases where you actually need to “circumvent” one level of this. Either you need to set font-size to the grandparent font size instead of the parent one, or you need to set other properties to the parent font size, not the current one.

If you’re already familiar with the problem and just want the solution, skip ahead. The next few paragraphs are for those thinking “but when would you ever need this?”

Sometimes, there are workarounds, and it’s just a matter of keeping DRY. For example, take a look at this speech bubble:

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Is the current tab active?

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Today I ran into an interesting problem. Interesting because it’s one of those very straightforward, deceptively simple questions, that after a fair amount of digging, does not appear to have a definite answer (though I would love to be wrong!).

The problem was to determine if the current tab is active. Yes, as simple as that.

Why? (i.e. my use case)

I was working on my slide deck framework, Inspire.js. There is a presenter mode plugin, which spawns a new window with your slides (“projector view”), whereas your current window becomes a “presenter view”, with open notes, preview of the next slide, optional progress indicator for time etc.

However, this plugin was not very good. The two windows are synced, but only if you use presenter view to navigate slides. If you use the projector view to advance slides, the syncing breaks. Why would you use the projector mode? Many reasons, e.g. to interact with a live demo, or even play a video. If you have a live demo heavy presentation, you may even want to mirror your screen and only ever interact with the projector mode, while having the presenter mode on a secondary screen, just to look at.

The way the plugin worked was that every time the slide changed in the presenter view, it propagated the change in the projector view. To make the syncing bidirectional, it would be good to know if the current window is the active tab, and if so, propagate all slide navigation to the other one, regardless of which one is the projector view and which one is the presenter view.

And this, my friends, is how I ended up in this rabbit hole.

(Yes, there are other solutions to this particular problem. I could just always propagate regardless and have checks in place to avoid infinite loops. But that’s beside the point.)

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82% of developers get this 3 line CSS quiz wrong

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(I always wanted to do a clickbait title like this and when this chance came along I could not pass it up. 😅 Sorry!)

While putting my ideas into slides for my Dynamic CSS workshop for next week, I was working on a slide explaining how the CSS wide keywords work with custom properties. inherit, initial, unset I had used numerous times and knew well. But what about revert? How did that work? I had an idea, but quickly coded up a demo to try it out.

The code was:

:root {
    --accent-color: skyblue;

div {
    --accent-color: revert;
    background: var(--accent-color, orange);

Phew, I was correct, but the amount of uncertainty I had before seeing the result tipped me that I might be on to something.

Before you read on, take a moment to think about what you would vote. Warning: Spoilers ahead!





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Dark mode in 5 minutes, with inverted lightness variables

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By now, you probably know that you can use custom properties for individual color components, to avoid repeating the same color coordinates multiple times throughout your theme. You may even know that you can use the same variable for multiple components, e.g. HSL hue and lightness:

:root {
	--primary-hs: 250 30%;

h1 {
	color: hsl(var(--primary-hs) 30%);

article {
	background: hsl(var(--primary-hs) 90%);

article h2 {
	background: hsl(var(--primary-hs) 40%);
	color: white;

Here is a very simple page designed with this technque:

Unlike preprocessor variables, you could even locally override the variable, to have blocks with a different accent color:

:root {
	--primary-hs: 250 30%;
	--secondary-hs: 190 40%;

article {
	background: hsl(var(--primary-hs) 90%);

article.alt {
	--primary-hs: var(--secondary-hs);

This is all fine and dandy, until dark mode comes into play. The idea of using custom properties to make it easier to adapt a theme to dark mode is not new. However, in every article I have seen, the strategy suggested is to create a bunch of custom properties, one for each color, and override them in a media query.

This is a fine approach, and you’ll likely want to do that for at least part of your colors eventually. However, even in the most disciplined of designs, not every color is a CSS variable. You often have colors declared inline, especially grays (e.g. the footer color in our example). This means that adding a dark mode is taxing enough that you may put it off for later, especially on side projects.

The trick I’m going to show you will make anyone who knows enough about color cringe (sorry Chris!) but it does help you create a dark mode that works in minutes. It won’t be great, and you should eventually tweak it to create a proper dark mode (also dark mode is not just about swapping colors) but it’s better than nothing and can serve as a base.

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Mass function overloading: why and how?

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One of the things I’ve been doing for the past few months (on and off—more off than on TBH) is rewriting Bliss to use ESM 1. Since Bliss v1 was not using a modular architecture at all, this introduced some interesting challenges.

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Writable getters

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Setters removing themselves are reminiscent of Ouroboros, the serpent eating its own tail, an ancient symbol. Media credit

A pattern that has come up a few times in my code is the following: an object has a property which defaults to an expression based on its other properties unless it’s explicitly set, in which case it functions like a normal property. Essentially, the expression functions as a default value.

Some examples of use cases:

  • An object where a default id is generated from its name or title, but can also have custom ids.
  • An object with information about a human, where name can be either specified explicitly or generated from firstName and lastName if not specified.
  • An object with parameters for drawing an ellipse, where ry defaults to rx if not explicitly set.
  • An object literal with date information, and a readable property which formats the date, but can be overwritten with a custom human-readable format.
  • An object representing parts of a Github URL (e.g. username, repo, branch) with an apiCall property which can be either customized or generated from the parts (this is actually the example which prompted this blog post)

Ok, so now that I convinced you about the utility of this pattern, how do we implement it in JS?

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Position Statement for the 2020 W3C TAG Election

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Update: I got elected!! Thank you so much to every W3C member organization who voted for me. 🙏🏼 Now on to making the Web better, alongside fellow TAG members!

Context: I’m running for one of the four open seats in this year’s W3C TAG election. The W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) is the Working Group that ensures that Web Platform technologies are usable and follow consistent design principles, whether they are created inside or outside W3C. It advocates for the needs of everyone who uses the Web and everyone who works on the Web. If you work for a company that is a W3C Member, please consider encouraging your AC rep to vote for me! My candidate statement follows.

Hi, I’m Lea Verou. Equally at home in Web development, the standards process, and programming language design, I bring a rarely-found cross-disciplinary understanding of the full stack of front-end development.

I have a thorough and fundamental understanding of all the core technologies of the Web Platform: HTML, CSS, JS, DOM, and SVG. I bring the experience and perspective of having worked as a web designer & developer in the trenches — not in large corporate systems, but on smaller, independent projects for clients, the type of projects that form the majority of the Web. I have started many open source projects, used on millions of websites, large and small. Some of my work has been incorporated in browser dev tools, and some has helped push CSS implementations forwards.

However, unlike most web developers, I am experienced in working within W3C, both as a longtime member of the CSS Working Group, as well as a W3C Staff alumnus. This experience has given me a fuller grasp of Web technology development: not just the authoring side, but also the needs and constraints of implementation teams, the kinds of problems that tend to show up in our work, and the design principles we apply. I understand in practice how the standards process at W3C addresses the problems and weighs up the necessary compromises — from high-level design changes to minute details — to create successful standards for the Web.

I have spent over six years doing PhD research at MIT on the intersection of programming language design and human-computer interaction. My research has been published in top-tier peer-reviewed academic venues.  My strong usability background gives me the ability to identify API design pitfalls early on in the design process.

In addition, I have been teaching web technologies for over a decade, both to professional web developers, through my numerous talks, workshops, and bestselling book, and as an instructor and course co-creator for MIT. This experience helps me to easily identify aspects of API design that can make a technology difficult to learn and conceptualize.

If elected, I will work with the rest of the TAG to:

  • Ensure that web technologies are not only powerful, but also learnable and approachable, with a smooth ease-of-use to complexity curve.
  • Ensure that where possible, commonly needed functionality is available through approachable declarative HTML or CSS syntax and not solely through JS APIs.
  • Work towards making the Web platform more extensible, to allow experienced developers to encapsulate complexity and make it available to novice authors, empowering the latter to create compelling content. Steps have been made in this direction with Web Components and the Houdini specifications, but there are still many gaps that need to be addressed.
  • Record design principles that are often implicit knowledge in standards groups, passed on but never recorded. Explicit design principles help us keep technologies internally consistent, but also assist library developers who want to design APIs that are consistent with the Web Platform and feel like a natural extension of it. A great start has been made with the initial drafts of the Design Principles document, but there is still a lot to be done.
  • Guide those seeking TAG review, some of whom may be new to the standards process, to improve their specifications.

Having worn all these hats, I can understand and empathize with the needs of designers and developers, authors and implementers, practitioners and academics, putting me in a unique position to help ensure the Web Platform remains consistent, usable, and inclusive.

I would like to thank Open JS Foundation and Bocoup for graciously funding my TAG-related travel, in the event that I am elected.

Selected endorsements

Tantek Çelik, Mozilla’s AC representative, longtime CSS WG member, and creator of many popular technologies:

I have had the privilege of working with Lea in the CSS Working Group, and in the broader web development community for many years. Lea is an expert in the practical real-world-web technologies of the W3C, how they fit together, has put them into practice, has helped contribute to their evolution, directly in specs and in working groups. She’s also a passionate user & developer advocate, both of which I think are excellent for the TAG.


Florian Rivoal, CSS WG Invited Expert and editor of several specifications, elected W3C AB member, ex-Opera:

Elika Etemad aka fantasai, prolific editor of dozens of W3C specifications, CSS WG member for over 16 years, and elected W3C AB member:

One TPAC long ago, several members of the TAG on a recruiting spree went around asking people to run for the TAG. I personally turned them down for multiple reasons (including that I’m only a very poor substitute for David Baron), but it occurred to me recently that there was a candidate that they do need: Lea Verou.

Lea is one of those elite developers whose technical expertise ranges across the entire Web platform. She doesn’t just use HTML, CSS, JS, and SVG, she pushes the boundaries of what they’re capable of. Meanwhile her authoring experience spans JS libraries to small site design to CSS+HTML print publications, giving her a personal appreciation of a wide variety of use cases. Unlike most other developers in her class, however, Lea also brings her experience working within W3C as a longtime member of the CSS Working Group.

I’ve seen firsthand that she is capable of participating at the deep and excruciatingly detailed level that we operate here, and that her attention is not just on the feature at hand but also the system and its usability and coherence as a whole. She knows how the standards process works, how use cases and implementation constraints drive our design decisions, and how participation in the arcane discussions at W3C can make a real difference in the future usability of the Web.

I’m recommending her for the TAG because she’s able to bring a perspective that is needed and frequently missing from our technical discussions which so often revolve around implementers, and because elevating her to TAG would give her both the opportunity and the empowerment to bring that perspective to more of our Web technology development here at W3C and beyond.


Bruce Lawson, Opera alumni, world renowned accessibility expert, speaker, author:

Brian Kardell, AC representative for both Open JS Foundation and Igalia:

The OpenJS Foundation is very pleased to nominate and offer our support for Lea Verou to the W3C TAG. We believe that she brings a fresh perspective, diverse background and several kinds of insight that would be exceptionally useful in the TAG’s work.


Lea Verou is another easy choice for me. Lea brings a really diverse background, set of perspectives and skills to the table. She’s worked for the W3C, she’s a great communicator to developers (this is definitely a great skill in TAG whose outreach is important), she’s worked with small teams, produced a number of popular libraries and helped drive some interesting standards. The OpenJS Foundation was pleased to nominate her, but Frontiers and several others were also supportive. Lea also deserves “high marks”.


The case for Weak Dependencies in JS

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Earlier today, I was briefly entertaining the idea of writing a library to wrap and enhance querySelectorAll in certain ways. I thought I’d rather not introduce a Parsel dependency out of the box, but only use it to parse selectors properly when it’s available, and use more crude regex when it’s not (which would cover most use cases for what I wanted to do).

In the olden days, where every library introduced a global, I could just do:

if (window.Parsel) {
	let ast = Parsel.parse();
	// rewrite selector properly, with AST
else {
	// crude regex replace

However, with ESM, there doesn’t seem to be a way to detect whether a module is imported, without actually importing it yourself.

I tweeted about this…

I thought this was a common paradigm, and everyone would understand why this was useful. However, I was surprised to find that most people were baffled about my use case. Most of them thought I was either talking about conditional imports, or error recovery after failed imports.

I suspect it might be because my primary perspective for writing JS is that of a library author, where I do not control the host environment, whereas for most developers, their primary perspective is that of writing JS for a specific app or website.

After Kyle Simpson asked me to elaborate about the use case, I figured a blog post was in order.

The use case is essentially progressive enhancement (in fact, I toyed with the idea of titling this blog post “Progressively Enhanced JS”). If library X is loaded already by other code, do a more elaborate thing and cover all the edge cases, otherwise do a more basic thing. It’s for dependencies that are not really dependencies, but more like nice-to-haves.

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Simple pie charts with fallback, today

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Five years ago, I had written this extensive Smashing Magazine article detailing multiple different methods for creating simple pie charts, either with clever use of transforms and pseudo-elements, or with SVG stroke-dasharray. In the end, I mentioned creating pie charts with conic gradients, as a future technique. It was actually a writeup of my “The Missing Slice” talk, and an excerpt of my CSS Secrets book, which had just been published.

I was reminded of this article today by someone on Twitter:\_kent\_/status/1326805431390531584

I suggested conic gradients, since they are now supported in >87% of users’ browsers, but he needed to support IE11. He suggested using my polyfill from back then, but this is not a very good idea today.

Indeed, unless you really need to display conic gradients, even I would not recommend using the polyfill on a production facing site. It requires -prefix-free, which re-fetches (albeit from cache) your entire CSS and sticks it in a <style> element, with no sourcemaps since those were not a thing back when -prefix-free was written. If you’re already using -prefix-free, the polyfill is great, but if not, it’s way too heavy a dependency.

Pie charts with fallback (modern browsers)

Instead, what I would recommend is graceful degradation, i.e. to use the same color stops, but in a linear gradient.

We can use @supports and have quite an elaborate progress bar fallback. For example, take a look at this 40% pie chart:

.pie {
	height: 20px;
	background: linear-gradient(to right, deeppink 40%, transparent 0);
	background-color: gold;

@supports (background: conic-gradient(white, black)) { .pie { width: 200px; height: 200px; background-image: conic-gradient(deeppink 40%, transparent 0); border-radius: 50%; } }

This is what it looks like in Firefox 82 (conic gradients are scheduled to ship unflagged in Firefox 83) or IE11:

Note that because @supports is only used for the pie and not the fallback, the lack of IE11 support for it doesn’t affect us one iota.

If relatively modern browsers are all we care about, we could even use CSS variables for the percentage and the color stops, to avoid duplication, and to be able to set the percentage from the markup:

<div class="pie" style="--p: 40%"></div>
.pie {
	height: 20px;
	--stops: deeppink var(--p, 0%), transparent 0;
	background: linear-gradient(to right, var(--stops));
	background-color: gold;

@supports (background: conic-gradient(white, black)) { .pie { width: 200px; height: 200px; background-image: conic-gradient(var(–stops)); border-radius: 50%; } }

You can use a similar approach for 3 or more segments, or for a vertical bar.

One issue with this approach is that our layout needs to work well with two charts of completely different proportions. To avoid that, we could just use a square:

.pie {
	width: 200px;
	height: 200px;
	background: linear-gradient(to right, deeppink 40%, transparent 0) gold;

@supports (background: conic-gradient(white, black)) { .pie { background-image: conic-gradient(deeppink 40%, transparent 0); border-radius: 50%; } }

which produces this in IE11:

Granted, a square progress bar is not the same, but it can still convey the same relationship and is easier to design a layout around it since it always has the same aspect ratio.

Why not use radial gradients?

You might be wondering, why not just use a radial gradient, which could use the same dimensions and rounding. Something like this:

There are two problems with this. The first one may be obvious: Horizontal or vertical bars are common for showing the proportional difference between two amounts, albeit less good than a pie chart because it’s harder to compare with 50% at a glance (yes Tufte, pie charts can be better for some things!). Such circular graphs are very uncommon. And for good reason: Drawn naively (e.g. in our case if the radius of the pink circle is 40% of the radius of the yellow circle), their areas do not have the relative relationship we want to depict.

Why is that? Let r be the radius of the yellow circle. As we know from middle school, the area of the entire circle is π_r_², so the area of the yellow ring is π_r_² - (area of pink circle). The area of the pink circle is π(0.4_r_)² = 0.16π_r_². Therefore, the area of the yellow ring is π_r_² - 0.16π_r_² = 0.84π_r_² and their relative ratio is 0.16π_r_² / 0.84π_r_² = 0.16 / 0.84 ≅ 0.19 which is a far cry from the 40/60 (≅ 0.67) we were looking for!

Instead, if we wanted to draw a similar visualization to depict the correct relationship, we need to start from the ratio and work our way backwards. Let r be the radius of the yellow circle and kr the radius of the pink circle. Their ratio is π(kr)² / (π_r_² - π(kr)²) = 4/6 ⇒ _k_² / (1 - _k_²) = 4/6 ⇒ (1 - _k_²) / _k_² = 6/4 ⇒ 1/_k_² - 1 = 6/4 ⇒ 1/_k_² = 10/4 ⇒ k = 2 / sqrt(10) ≅ .632 Therefore, the radius of the pink circle should be around 63.2% of the radius of the yellow circle, and a more correct chart would look like this:

In the general case where the pink circle is depicting the percentage p, we’d want the radius of the pink circle to be sqrt(1 / p) the size of the yellow circle. That’s a fair bit of calculations that we can’t yet automate (though sqrt() is coming!). Moral of the story: use a bar as your fallback!

The -​-var: ; hack to toggle multiple values with one custom property

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What if I told you you could use a single property value to turn multiple different values on and off across multiple different properties and even across multiple CSS rules?

What if I told you you could turn this flat button into a glossy skeuomorphic button by just tweaking one custom property --is-raised, and that would set its border, background image, box and text shadows in one fell swoop?

How, you may ask?

The crux of this technique is this: There are two custom property values that work almost everywhere there is a var() call with a fallback.

The more obvious one that you probably already know is the initial value, which makes the property just apply its fallback. So, in the following code:

background: var(--foo, linear-gradient(white, transparent)) hsl(220 10% 50%);
border: 1px solid var(--foo, rgb(0 0 0 / .1));
color: rgb(0 0 0 var(--foo, / .8));

We can set --foo to initial to enable these “fallbacks” and append these values to the property value, adding a gradient, setting a border-color, and making the text color translucent in one go. But what to do when we want to turn these values off? Any non-initial value for --foo (that doesn’t create cycles) should work. But is there one that works in all three declarations?

It turns out there is another value that works everywhere, in every property a var() reference is present, and you’d likely never guess what it is (unless you have watched any of my CSS variable talks and have a good memory for passing mentions of things).


It’s whitespace! Whitespace is significant in a custom property. When you write something like this:

--foo: ;

This is not an invalid declaration. This is a declaration where the value of --foo is literally one space character. However, whitespace is valid in every CSS property value, everywhere a var() is allowed, and does not affect its computed value in any way. So, we can just set our property to one space (or even a comment) and not affect any other value present in the declaration. E.g. this:

--foo: ;
background: var(--foo, linear-gradient(white, transparent)) hsl(220 10% 50%);

produces the same result as:

background: hsl(220 10% 50%);

We can take advantage of this to essentially turn var() into a single-clause if() function and conditionally append values based on a single custom property.

As a proof of concept, here is the two button demo refactored using this approach:


I originally envisioned this as a building block for a technique horrible hack to enable “mixins” in the browser, since @apply is now defunct. However, the big limitation is that this only works for appending values to existing values — or setting a property to either a whole value or initial. There is no way to say “the background should be red if --foo is set and white otherwise”. Some such conditionals can be emulated with clever use of appending, but not most.

And of course there’s a certain readability issue: --foo: ; looks like a mistake and --foo: initial looks pretty weird, unless you’re aware of this technique. However, that can easily be solved with comments. Or even constants:

:root {
	--ON: initial;
	--OFF: ;

button { –is-raised: var(–OFF); /* … */ }

#foo { –is-raised: var(–ON); }

Also do note that eventually we will get a proper if() and won’t need such horrible hacks to emulate it, discussions are already underway [w3c/csswg-drafts#5009 w3c/csswg-drafts#4731].

So what do you think? Horrible hack, useful technique, or both? 😀

Prior art

Turns out this was independently discovered by two people before me:

And it was called “space toggle hack” in case you want to google it!