Posts from 2011

38 posts 2009 16 posts 2010 50 posts 2011 28 posts 2012 15 posts 2013 7 posts 2014 10 posts 2015 5 posts 2016 4 posts 2017 7 posts 2018 2 posts 2019 17 posts 2020 7 posts 2021 7 posts 2022 11 posts 2023 4 posts 2024
  1. On web apps and their keyboard shortcuts 3 min 0 comments
  2. Introducing dabblet: An interactive CSS playground 3 min 0 comments
  3. Vendor prefixes have failed, what’s next? 4 min 0 comments
  4. Animatable: A CSS transitions gallery 1 min 0 comments
  5. My experience from Fronteers, JSConf EU, Frontend and FromTheFront 4 min 0 comments
  6. Optimizing long lists of yes/no values with JavaScript 1 min 0 comments
  7. Easily keep gh-pages in sync with master 1 min 0 comments
  8. PrefixFree: Break free from CSS prefix hell! 1 min 0 comments
  9. My experience from Frontendconf Zurich 2 min 0 comments
  10. Major update to Chainvas: modularity, a client side build script & more 2 min 0 comments
  11. A better tool for cubic-bezier() easing 2 min 0 comments
  12. Chainvas: Make APIs chainable, enhance the canvas API 1 min 0 comments
  13. Help the community: report browser bugs 1 min 0 comments
  14. Pure CSS3 typing animation with steps() 1 min 0 comments
  15. CSS.coloratum: Convert and share CSS colors 2 min 0 comments
  16. On URL readability 2 min 0 comments
  17. To write good code, you sometimes have to write bad code 1 min 0 comments
  18. Accessible star rating widget with pure CSS 2 min 0 comments
  19. Why I love our industry 2 min 0 comments
  20. Better “CSS3 ticket-like tags” 1 min 0 comments
  21. twee+: Longer tweets, no strings attached 4 min 0 comments
  22. CSS gradients are faster than SVG backgrounds 1 min 0 comments
  23. CSS3 for developers: My Fronteers 2011 workshop 2 min 0 comments
  24. My experience from the CSS Summit 2011 2 min 0 comments
  25. Vote for me in The .net awards 2011! 1 min 0 comments
  26. Detecting CSS selectors support + my JSConf EU talk 2 min 0 comments
  27. A polyfill for HTML5 progress element, the obsessive perfectionist way 6 min 0 comments
  28. CSS reflections for Firefox, with -moz-element() and SVG masks 2 min 0 comments
  29. Pure CSS Tic Tac Toe 1 min 0 comments
  30. jQuery Pure: Call for contributors 2 min 0 comments
  31. My experience from Web Directions @media & 2 min 0 comments
  32. Get your hash — the bulletproof way 3 min 0 comments
  33. Change URL hash without page jump 1 min 0 comments
  34. My experience from Geek Meet 1 min 0 comments
  35. StronglyTyped: A library for strongly typed properties & constants in JavaScript 2 min 0 comments
  36. Rule filtering based on specific selector(s) support 2 min 0 comments
  37. CSS3 patterns gallery and a new pattern 1 min 0 comments
  38. Invert a whole webpage with CSS only 1 min 0 comments
  39. Create complex RegExps more easily 30 min 0 comments
  40. Convert standard gradient syntax to -webkit-gradient and others 1 min 0 comments
  41. Beveled corners & negative border-radius with CSS3 gradients 1 min 0 comments
  42. On CSS preprocessors 4 min 0 comments
  43. WD @media talk subject change 1 min 0 comments
  44. Custom <select> drop downs with CSS3 2 min 0 comments
  45. Checkerboard pattern with CSS3 1 min 0 comments
  46. Incrementable length values in text fields 1 min 0 comments
  47. Convert PHP serialized data to Unicode 1 min 0 comments
  48. Styling elements based on sibling count 1 min 0 comments
  49. I'm speaking at @media Web Directions ’11! 1 min 0 comments
  50. Yet another redesign 1 min 0 comments