Custom properties with defaults: 3+1 strategies

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When developing customizable components, one often wants to expose various parameters of the styling as custom properties, and form a sort of CSS API. This is still underutlized, but there are libraries, e.g. Shoelace, that already list custom properties alongside other parts of each component’s API (even CSS parts!).

Note: I’m using “component” here broadly, as any reusable chunk of HTML/CSS/JS, not necessarily a web component or framework component. What we are going to discuss applies to reusable chunks of HTML just as much as it does to “proper” web components.

Let’s suppose we are designing a certain button styling, that looks like this:

We want to support a --color custom property for creating color variations by setting multiple things internally:

.fancy-button {
	border: .1em solid var(--color);
	background: transparent;
	color: var(--color);

.fancy-button:hover {
	background: var(--color);
	color: white;

Note that with the code above, if no --color is set, the three declarations using it will be IACVT and thus we’ll get a nearly unstyled text-only button with no background on hover (transparent), no border on hover, and the default black text color (canvastext to be precise).

That’s no good! IT’s important that we set defaults. However, using the fallback parameter for this gets tedious, and WET:

.fancy-button {
	border: .1em solid var(--color, black);
	background: transparent;
	color: var(--color, black);

.fancy-button:hover {
	background: var(--color, black);
	color: white;

To avoid the repetition and still ensure --color always has a value, many people do this:

.fancy-button {
	--color: black;
	border: .1em solid var(--color);
	background: transparent;
	color: var(--color);

.fancy-button:hover {
	background: var(--color);
	color: white;

However, this is not ideal for a number of reasons:

If you insist going that route, :where() can be a useful tool to reduce specificity of your selectors while having as fine grained selection criteria as you want. It’s also one of the features I proposed for CSS, so I’m very proud that it’s now supported everywhere. :where() won’t solve the inheritance problem, but at least it will solve the specificity problem.

What if we still use the fallback parameter and use a variable for the fallback?

.fancy-button {
	--color-initial: black;
	border: .1em solid var(--color, var(--color-initial));
	background: transparent;
	color: var(--color, var(--color-initial));

.fancy-button:hover {
	background: var(--color, var(--color-initial));
	color: white;

This works, and it has the advantage that people could even customize your default if they want to (though I cannot think of any use cases for that). But isn’t it so horribly verbose? What else could we do?

My preferred solution is what I call pseudo-private custom properties. You use a different property internally than the one you expose, which is set to the one you expose plus the fallback:

.fancy-button {
	--_color: var(--color, black);
	border: .1em solid var(--_color);
	background: transparent;
	color: var(--_color);

.fancy-button:hover {
	background: var(--_color);
	color: white;

I tend to use the same name prepended with an underscore. Some people may flinch at the idea of private properties that aren’t really private, but I will remind you that we’ve done this in JS for over 20 years (we only got real private properties fairly recently).

Bonus: Defaults via @property registration

If @property is fair game (it’s only supported in Chromium, but these days that still makes it supported in 70% of users’ browsers — which is a bit sad, but that’s another discussion), you could also set defaults that way:

@property --color {
	syntax: "<color>";
	inherits: true;
	initial-value: black;

.fancy-button {
	border: .1em solid var(--color);
	background: transparent;
	color: var(--color);

.fancy-button:hover {
	background: var(--color);
	color: white;

Registering your property has several benefits (e.g. it makes it animatable), but if you’re only registering it for the purposes of setting a default, this way has several drawbacks:

Bonus: Customizable single-checkbox pure CSS switch

Just for the lulz, I made a switch (styling loosely inspired from Shoelace switch) that is just a regular <input type=checkbox> with a pretty extensive custom property API:

It is using the pseudo-private properties approach. Note how another bonus of this method is that there’s a little self-documentation right there about the component’s custom property API, even before any actual documentation is written.

As an aside, things like this switch make me wish it was possible to create web components that subclass existing elements. There is an existing — somewhat awkward — solution with the is attribute, but Apple is blocking it. The alternative is to use a web component with ElementInternals to make it form-associated and accessible and mirror all checkbox methods and properties, but that is way too heavyweight, and prone to breakage in the future, as native checkboxes add more methods. There is also a polyfill, but for a simple switch it may be a bit overkill. We really shouldn’t need to be painstakingly mirroring native elements to subclass them…

Enjoyed this article and want to learn more? I do teach courses on unlocking the full potential of CSS custom properties. You can watch my Frontend Masters Dynamic CSS course (currently in production), or attend my upcoming Smashing workshop.