5 posts on Tutorials

Custom properties with defaults: 3+1 strategies

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When developing customizable components, one often wants to expose various parameters of the styling as custom properties, and form a sort of CSS API. This is still underutlized, but there are libraries, e.g. Shoelace, that already list custom properties alongside other parts of each component’s API (even CSS parts!).

Note: I’m using “component” here broadly, as any reusable chunk of HTML/CSS/JS, not necessarily a web component or framework component. What we are going to discuss applies to reusable chunks of HTML just as much as it does to “proper” web components.

Let’s suppose we are designing a certain button styling, that looks like this:

We want to support a --color custom property for creating color variations by setting multiple things internally:

.fancy-button {
	border: .1em solid var(--color);
	background: transparent;
	color: var(--color);

.fancy-button:hover {
	background: var(--color);
	color: white;

Note that with the code above, if no --color is set, the three declarations using it will be IACVT and thus we’ll get a nearly unstyled text-only button with no background on hover (transparent), no border on hover, and the default black text color (canvastext to be precise).

That’s no good! IT’s important that we set defaults. However, using the fallback parameter for this gets tedious, and WET:

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Articles, Original, Tutorials, CSS, CSS Custom Properties, CSS Variables, Dynamic CSS
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Inherit ancestor font-size, for fun and profit

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If you’ve been writing CSS for any length of time, you’re probably familiar with the em unit, and possibly the other type-relative units. We are going to refer to em for the rest of this post, but anything described works for all type-relative units.

As you well know, em resolves to the current font size on all properties except font-size, where it resolves to the parent font size. It can be quite useful for making scalable components that adapt to their context size.

However, I have often come across cases where you actually need to “circumvent” one level of this. Either you need to set font-size to the grandparent font size instead of the parent one, or you need to set other properties to the parent font size, not the current one.

If you’re already familiar with the problem and just want the solution, skip ahead. The next few paragraphs are for those thinking “but when would you ever need this?”

Sometimes, there are workarounds, and it’s just a matter of keeping DRY. For example, take a look at this speech bubble:

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Dark mode in 5 minutes, with inverted lightness variables

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By now, you probably know that you can use custom properties for individual color components, to avoid repeating the same color coordinates multiple times throughout your theme. You may even know that you can use the same variable for multiple components, e.g. HSL hue and lightness:

:root {
	--primary-hs: 250 30%;

h1 {
	color: hsl(var(--primary-hs) 30%);

article {
	background: hsl(var(--primary-hs) 90%);

article h2 {
	background: hsl(var(--primary-hs) 40%);
	color: white;

Here is a very simple page designed with this technque:

Unlike preprocessor variables, you could even locally override the variable, to have blocks with a different accent color:

:root {
	--primary-hs: 250 30%;
	--secondary-hs: 190 40%;

article {
	background: hsl(var(--primary-hs) 90%);

article.alt {
	--primary-hs: var(--secondary-hs);

This is all fine and dandy, until dark mode comes into play. The idea of using custom properties to make it easier to adapt a theme to dark mode is not new. However, in every article I have seen, the strategy suggested is to create a bunch of custom properties, one for each color, and override them in a media query.

This is a fine approach, and you’ll likely want to do that for at least part of your colors eventually. However, even in the most disciplined of designs, not every color is a CSS variable. You often have colors declared inline, especially grays (e.g. the footer color in our example). This means that adding a dark mode is taxing enough that you may put it off for later, especially on side projects.

The trick I’m going to show you will make anyone who knows enough about color cringe (sorry Chris!) but it does help you create a dark mode that works in minutes. It won’t be great, and you should eventually tweak it to create a proper dark mode (also dark mode is not just about swapping colors) but it’s better than nothing and can serve as a base.

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Writable getters

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Setters removing themselves are reminiscent of Ouroboros, the serpent eating its own tail, an ancient symbol. Media credit

A pattern that has come up a few times in my code is the following: an object has a property which defaults to an expression based on its other properties unless it’s explicitly set, in which case it functions like a normal property. Essentially, the expression functions as a default value.

Some examples of use cases:

  • An object where a default id is generated from its name or title, but can also have custom ids.
  • An object with information about a human, where name can be either specified explicitly or generated from firstName and lastName if not specified.
  • An object with parameters for drawing an ellipse, where ry defaults to rx if not explicitly set.
  • An object literal with date information, and a readable property which formats the date, but can be overwritten with a custom human-readable format.
  • An object representing parts of a Github URL (e.g. username, repo, branch) with an apiCall property which can be either customized or generated from the parts (this is actually the example which prompted this blog post)

Ok, so now that I convinced you about the utility of this pattern, how do we implement it in JS?

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Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max()

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Notice how the navigation on the left behaves wrt scrolling: It’s like absolute at first that becomes fixed once the header scrolls out of the viewport.

One of my side projects these days is a color space agnostic color conversion & manipulation library, which I’m developing together with my husband, Chris Lilley (you can see a sneak peek of its docs above). He brings his color science expertise to the table, and I bring my JS & API design experience, so it’s a great match and I’m really excited about it! (if you’re serious about color and you’re building a tool or demo that would benefit from it contact me, we need as much early feedback on the API as we can get! )

For the documentation, I wanted to have the page navigation on the side (when there is enough space), right under the header when scrolled all the way to the top, but I wanted it to scroll with the page (as if it was absolutely positioned) until the header is out of view, and then stay at the top for the rest of the scrolling (as if it used fixed positioning).

It sounds very much like a case for position: sticky, doesn’t it? However, an element with position: sticky behaves like it’s relatively positioned when it’s in view and like it’s using position: fixed when its scrolled out of view but its container is still in view. What I wanted here was different. I basically wanted position: absolute while the header was in view and position: fixed after. Yes, there are ways I could have contorted position: sticky to do what I wanted, but was there another solution?

In the past, we’d just go straight to JS, slap position: absolute on our element, calculate the offset in a scroll event listener and set a top CSS property on our element. However, this is flimsy and violates separation of concerns, as we now need to modify Javascript to change styling. Pass!

What if instead we had access to the scroll offset in CSS? Would that be sufficient to solve our use case? Let’s find out!

As I pointed out in my Increment article about CSS Variables last month, and in my CSS Variables series of talks a few years ago, we can use JS to set & update CSS variables on the root that describe pure data (mouse position, input values, scroll offset etc), and then use them as-needed throughout our CSS, reaching near-perfect separation of concerns for many common cases. In this case, we write 3 lines of JS to set a --scrolltop variable:

let root = document.documentElement;
document.addEventListener("scroll", evt => {
	root.style.setProperty("--scrolltop", root.scrollTop);

Then, we can position our navigation absolutely, and subtract var(--scrolltop) to offset any scroll (11rem is our header height):

#toc {
	position: fixed;
	top: calc(11rem - var(--scrolltop) * 1px);

This works up to a certain point, but once scrolltop exceeds the height of the header, top becomes negative and our navigation starts drifting off screen:

Just subtracting --scrolltop essentially implements absolute positioning with position: fixed.

We’ve basically re-implemented absolute positioning with position: fixed, which is not very useful! What we really want is to cap the result of the calculation to 0 so that our navigation always remains visible. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a max-top attribute, just like max-width so that we could do this?

One thought might be to change the JS and use Math.max() to cap --scrolltop to a specific number that corresponds to our header height. However, while this would work for this particular case, it means that --scrolltop cannot be used generically anymore, because it’s tailored to our specific use case and does not correspond to the actual scroll offset. Also, this encodes more about styling in the JS than is ideal, since the clamping we need is presentation-related — if our style was different, we may not need it anymore. But how can we do this without resorting to JS?

Thankfully, we recently got implementations for probably the one feature I was pining for the most in CSS, for years: min(), max() and clamp() functions, which bring the power of min/max constraints to any CSS property! And even for width and height, they are strictly more powerful than min/max-* because you can have any number of minimums and maximums, whereas the min/max-* properties limit you to only one.

While brower compatibility is actually pretty good, we can’t just use it with no fallback, since this is one of the features where lack of support can be destructive. We will provide a fallback in our base style and use @supports to conditonally override it:

#toc {
	position: fixed;
	top: 11em;

@supports (top: max(1em, 1px)) { #toc { top: max(0em, 11rem - var(–scrolltop) * 1px); } }

Aaand that was it, this gives us the result we wanted!

And because --scrolltop is sufficiently generic, we can re-use it anywhere in our CSS where we need access to the scroll offset. I’ve actually used exactly the scame --scrolltop setting JS code in my blog, to keep the gradient centerpoint on my logo while maintaining a fixed background attachment, so that various elements can use the same background and having it appear continuous, i.e. not affected by their own background positioning area:

The website header and the post header are actually different element. The background appears continuous because it’s using background-attachment: fixed, and the scrolltop variable is used to emulate background-attachment: scroll while still using the viewport as the background positioning area for both backgrounds.

Appendix: Why didn’t we just use the cascade?

You might wonder, why do we even need @supports? Why not use the cascade, like we’ve always done to provide fallbacks for values without sufficiently universal support? I.e., why not just do this:

#toc {
	position: fixed;
	top: 11em;
	top: max(0em, 11rem - var(--scrolltop) * 1px);

The reason is that when you use CSS variables, this does not work as expected. The browser doesn’t know if your property value is valid until the variable is resolved, and by then it has already processed the cascade and has thrown away any potential fallbacks.

So, what would happen if we went this route and max() was not supported? Once the browser realizes that the second value is invalid due to using an unknown function, it will make the property invalid at computed value time, which essentially equates to the initial keyword, and for the top property, the initial value is 0. This would mean your navigation would overlap the header when scrolled close to the top, which is terrible!