Style-observer: JS to observe CSS property changes, for reals

3 min read
Style-observer social media teaser

I cannot count the number of times in my career I wished I could run JS in response to CSS property changes, regardless of what triggered them: media queries, user actions, or even other JS.

Use cases abound. Here are some of mine:

The most recent time I needed this was to prototype an idea I had for Web Awesome, and I decided this was it: I’d either find a good, bulletproof solution, or I would build it myself.

Spoiler alert: Oops, I did it again

A Brief History of Style Observers

The quest for a JS style observer has been long and torturous. Many have tried to slay this particular dragon, each getting us a little bit closer.

The earliest attempts relied on polling, and thus were also prohibitively slow. Notable examples were ComputedStyleObserver by Keith Clark in 2018 and StyleObserver by PixelsCommander in 2019.

Jane Ori first asked “Can we do better than polling?” with her css-var-listener in 2019. It parsed the selectors of relevant CSS rules, and used a combination of observers and event listeners to detect changes to the matched elements.

Artem Godin was the first to try using transition events such as transitionstart to detect changes, with his css-variable-observer in 2020. In fact, for CSS properties that are animatable, such as color or font-size, using transition events is already enough. But what about the rest, especially custom properties which are probably the top use case?

In addition to pioneering transition events for this purpose, Artem also concocted a brilliant hack to detect changes to custom properties: he stuffed them into font-variation-settings, which is animatable regardless of whether the axes specified corresponded to any real axes in any actual variable font, and then listened to transitions on that property. It was brilliant, but also quite limited: it only supported observing changes to custom properties whose values were numbers (otherwise they would make font-variation-settings invalid).

The next breakthrough came four years later, when Bramus Van Damme pioneered a way to do it “properly”, using the (then) newly Baseline transition-behavior: allow-discrete after an idea by Jake Archibald. His @bramus/style-observer was the closest we’ve ever gotten to a “proper” general solution.

Releasing his work as open source was already a great service to the community, but he didn’t stop there. He stumbled on a ton of browser bugs, which he did an incredible job of documenting and then filing. His conclusion was:

Right now, the only cross-browser way to observe Custom Properties with @bramus/style-observer is to register the property with a syntax of “<custom-ident>”. Note that <custom-ident> values can not start with a number, so you can’t use this type to store numeric values.

Wait, what? That was still quite the limitation!

My brain started racing with ideas for how to improve on this. What if, instead of trying to work around all of these bugs at once, we detect them so we only have to work around the ones that are actually present?

World, meet style-observer

At first I considered just sending a bunch of PRs, but I wanted to iterate fast, and change too many things. I took the fact that the domain was available as a sign from the universe, and decided the time had come for me to take my own crack at this age-old problem, armed with the knowledge of those who came before me and with the help of my trusty apprentice Dmitry Sharabin (hiring him to work full-time on our open source projects is a whole separate blog post).

One of the core ways style-observer achieves better browser support is that it performs feature detection for many of the bugs Bramus identified. This way, code can work around them in a targeted way, rather than the same code having to tiptoe around all possible bugs. As a result, it basically works in every browser that supports transition-behavior: allow-discrete, i.e. 90% globally.

Keep Calm and Style Observe

Additionally, besides browser support, this supports throttling, aggregation, and plays more nicely with existing transitions.

Since this came out of a real need, to (potentially) ship in a real product, it has been exhaustively tested, and comes with a testsuite of > 150 unit tests (thanks to Dmitry’s hard work).

If you want to contribute, one area we could use help with is benchmarking.

That’s all for now! Try it out and let us know what you think!

Gotta end with a call to action, amirite?