
1 min read 5 Report broken page

Was about time, wasn’t it?

I wanted a simpler, more minimalistic (and wider!) theme for a while now. The other one was too restrictive. I had designed it when I had absolutely no content, and few changes were made to it afterwards.

So, today that I was too sad and furious to do anything productive, I spent a few hours redesigning the blog (creative venting…). Please note that it’s just a few hours’ work (with no mockup), so it’s bound to be a bit rough around the edges. I will refine it more as time goes by.

(and just like the previous one, it’s best viewed in more CSS3-supporting browsers, like Firefox, Chrome or Safari. If we can’t use the latest bells n’ whistles in our personal blogs, where can we? ;))

Here’s a screenshot from the previous theme:

Screenshot of the old theme

R.I.P. my first wordpress theme.

PS: Yeah, I know I haven’t posted in a while. I have started lots of posts, but didn’t finish any. I hope I’ll have something complete to post soon.